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Sorry. You must be of legal age to visit this website

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For all sponsorship inquiries, please email this address and include all necessary information.
Product information
Product distribution
Press relations
Information to accelerate up your request

Your address is requested but not mandatory in order to quickly send you compensation in the form of a coupon if applicable. Please also provide us with the product code and a photo of the issue so that we can better respond to your request.

How to find the product code

Beer bottle

The code is printed on the glass near the shoulder of the bottle or on the case. The code begins and ends with a letter, and has 8 digits in the middle.


Mixed case

The code of the mixed case is made up of 4 digits, 4 letters and 4 other digits under the code.

Crate code emplacement

Formats: jpg and png
Maximum file size per image: 5 MB
Maximum number of images: 3

Buy the beer glass